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Psy 202 C - deDios Library Research Guide

Library research guide for Psychology 202 C course

Searching PsycArticles for Tests & Measures

If you know the name of a specific test or measure, you can search for it in PsycArticles. Put the name of the test or measure in quotation marks in the search box and select "TM Tests & Measures" from the drop down menu. You can search for the name or acronym of the test or measure. 

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Searching PsycArticles for Subject of Tests & Measures

If you don't know the name of a specific test or measure, you can search PsycArticles for words that should be included. You do not need to include quotation marks. Type in the words you are seeking in the search box and select TM Tests & Measures from the drop down menu. 

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Searching PsycArticles for the Full Test or Measure

You can also search for articles with the complete test or measure included as an appendix in PsycArticles.

You will search for your topic in the first search box .
test* OR measure* OR survey* and AB Abstract in the drop down menu
appended with TM Tests & Measures in the drop down menu

By following this search strategy, we are telling the database to find articles with our topic that include a test, measure or survey included as an appendix. 

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Searching CINAHL for Tests & Measures

You can search for tests & measures through CINAHL Plus Full Text (EBSCO). Search for your topic or keyword in an advanced search and use IN Instrumentation in the drop down menu. You will also want to scroll down to Publication Type and select Questionnaire/Scale.

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Searching for Tests & Measures in Google Scholar or PubMed

You can also search for tests & measures through Google Scholar and PubMed. You should never pay or enter your credit card information for these articles. Keep looking until you find something that is either free or available through the Cypress College Library databases. If you download LibKey Nomad onto your personal device, LibKey will indicate which articles are available through the Cypress College Library. 

Libkey and PubMed

Accessing Library Articles Online via LibKey Nomad