Know how to access your assignments and discussions on Canvas
Contact your instructor through Canvas with any questions
Inside your Course Home Page
Click on the course name to get to the home page for your course.
Here you will find:
Course name
Class meeting time, dates, and physical location
Number of units
Instructor's name, office hours, and email address
Course information including required textbooks, materials, instructional objectives, student learning outcomes, course guidelines and policies
Click on your course name to access your syllabus
The syllabus will include all the important elements of your course including assignments, due dates, grades, and course criteria
Click on the course name to access discussions with your classmates
Click on the course name to communicate with other students in your class
Canvas Menu
Announcements: Each time you log in, announcements will appear first. "X" out the announcement once you have read it in order to remove it.
Dashboard: The dashboard is your home page. This is where all your courses will be listed.
Courses: This is a listing of all courses you are currently enrolled in. You can easily jump between courses in this feature.
Inbox: The inbox will be where messages from your instructor will appear. Inbox messages can be sorted by your course.
Calendar: The calendar can be used by your instructor to indicate due dates for assignments and exam dates. The assignments and exam dates are color-coded by course.
Click on the course name to access your grades
Grades can be sorted by due date or title
Zoom is your virtual classroom, enabling you to meet with your instructor and classmates online. Recordings of meetings are often available for review.
Accessing Zoom:
Within Canvas: If your instructor uses Zoom within Canvas, you’ll find the Zoom link in the course navigation menu on the left titled “Cypress College Zoom.” Once you click the link, you should see the scheduled Zoom class, select “Join Now.”
Outside of Canvas: Your instructor might send you a direct Zoom meeting link via email. Clicking the link may prompt you to download the Zoom app.