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STEP 1: Set active project

Before you can add a book to your project you must Set active project

On the home page, click on Set active project. Then you will see a list of all of your active projects in your account. Select the project to which you want to add a book. You will see a check mark appear next to the project.

NT homepage   active projects list


You can now go back to the homepage and click on Scan an ISBN.

STEP 2: Scan an ISBN

On the homepage, click on Scan an ISBN.

It may ask for permission to use your phone's camera. You will then see a screen similar to the left image below.

Make sure to place the white box over the ISBN number of the book, typically located in the bottom right corner of the back of the book (right image below).

scan box       sample isbn number

You will then receive a message that the book was successfully scanned with an option to Export to project. Click on Export to project

You will then be asked if you are sure you want to export the source. Click Confirm.

successfully scanned  confirm export 

You will then be taken to the citation page to Export. Click Export.

You will then receive a confirmation that the book was successfully added to your project.

 citation to export  successful export message

STEP 3: Confirm addition to project

To make sure you have added the book to your project, you will need to log into NoodleTools from a computer. 

Select your project and click on Sources. You will see your new book source has been added appropriately, based on the citation style you have selected for your project. See example below.

confirmed book export from app